List of Slurs is a detailed list of slurs for educational use. Search our database of 2655 slurs and find their origins.

Slur Type Copy
10% Off Jews x
51st Stater Canadians x
539 Jews x
7-11 Arabs x
8 Mile Whites x
925 Blacks x
A.I. Americans x
AA Blacks x
Abba-Dabba Arabs x
ABC Chinese x
ABCD Indians x
Abco Australian aboriginals x
Abdul Arabs x
Abe Lincoln Whites x
Abeed Blacks x
Abi-Dabi Arabs x
Abo Australian aboriginals x
Ace Of Spades Blacks x
Adolf Germans x
African Blacks x
African't Blacks x
Africoon Blacks x
Afro Blacks x
Afro-Saxon Whites x
Agent Orange Vietnamese x
Ahab Arabs x
Aibu Whites x
Ainu Japanese aboriginals x
Akata Black americans x
Aladdin Arabs x
Albino Whites x
Albo Albanians x
Alcoholic Native americans x
Alphabet Arabs x
Ame-koh Americans x
American't Americans x
Americoon Blacks x
Americunt Americans x
AmeriKKKan Americans x
Amerikos Americans x
AMF Jews x
Ami Americans x
Amigo Hispanics x
Anchor Baby Mexicans x
Ancient Chinese Secret Chinese x
Angie Canadians x
Anglo Whites x
Angus Blacks x
Ant Antarcticans x
Antique Farm Equipment Blacks x
Ape Blacks x
Apna Indians x
Apple Native americans x
Apple Blacks x
Apu Indians x
Ararat Armenians x
Aravi Arabs x
Arf Blacks x
Argie Argentinans x
Arm Pits Armenians x
Armo Armenians x
Aryan Whites x
Ashy Blacks x
Atta Arabs x
Aunt Jemima Blacks x
Ayatollah Persians x
Azn Asians x
Babar Indians x
Baboomba Blacks x
Baboon Blacks x
Babu Indians x
Baby-Muncher Chinese x
Bacardi Puerto ricans x
Bacon Bits Whites x
Bagel-Dog Jews x
Bahadur Nepalese x
Bai Tou Whites x
Baijo Whites x
Bak Guiy Whites x
Balsero Cubans x
Balt Lithuanians x
Baluba Blacks x
Baluga Blacks x
Bamboo Coon Chinese x
Ban Hispanics x
Banana Asians x
Banana Bender Australians x
Bananame Asians x
Bandwidth Nigger/Whore Asians x
Banjo Lips Blacks x
Bantu Blacks x
BAP Blacks x
Bar Code Jews x
Bara Arabs x
Bargain Korean Hawaiians x
Bat-gwai/Bai-guei Whites x
Batman Arabs x
Bay Frog Canadians x
Bazi Germans x
BBC Chinese x
BBK Blacks x
BDN Blacks x
Beach-Nigger Whites x
Bean Bandit Hispanics x
Bean Burrito Hispanics x
Bean Dipper Whites x
Beanbag Hispanics x
Beaner Hispanics x
Beaner Ball Hispanics x
Beaner Shnitzel Mixed races x
Beaniard Hispanics x
Beanie Jews x
Bear Blacks x
Beastie Boy Jews x
Beaver-Beater French canadians x
Bebe's Kids Blacks x
Bed Time Asians x
Bee-Keeper Afghans x
Beecher Whites x
Beggar Blacks x
Belegana Whites x
Belgie Belgians x
Bennie Falkland islanders x
Bergie Blacks x
Berry Picker Hispanics x
BET Blacks x
Betty Vietnamese x
Betty Crocker Whites x
Beur Arabs x
BFI Native americans x
BFI Blacks x
Bhindu Indians x
Bhrempti Indians x
Bible-Shortener Jews x
Bic-Needer French x
Big Mac Scottish x
Big Nose Jews x
Big Nose Whites x
Big Red Native americans x
Billy Reuben Blacks x
Bin Laden Arabs x
Binder Indians x
Bindi Indians x
Bingo Bengalis x
Bingo-Bongo Blacks x
Bink Mixed races x
Bipty Indians x
Bird Shit Whites x
Bird Turd Whites x
Biscuit Head Koreans x
Biscuit Lip Blacks x
Bix Nood Blacks x
Bjork Icelanders x
Black Barbie Blacks x
Black Bean Mixed races x
Black Dagos Italians x
Black Magic Blacks x
Black Time Blacks x
Blackanese Mixed races x
Blackfoot French x
Blackhead Turkish x
Blackie Blacks x
Blackout Native americans x
Blackrobe Whites x
Blacky Chan Blacks x
Blanco Whites x
Blanket-Ass Native americans x
Blaxican Mixed races x
Bleach Boy Whites x
Bleck Blacks x
Block Hoppers Puerto ricans x
Blockbuster Blacks x
Blockhead Germans x
Blockhead Macedonians x
Bloke British x
Blood Blacks x
Blood Sucker Romanians x
Blow Blacks x
Blowfish Whites x
BLT Blacks x
Bludger Australian aboriginals x
Blue collar Mexicans x
Blue Gums Blacks x
Blue-Eyed Devil Whites x
Blue/Blew Mixed races x
Blushing Black russians x
BMO Arabs x
BMW Blacks x
BMW Mexicans x
Bo-Bo Blacks x
Boat Rower Cubans x
Bobblehead Blacks x
Boche Germans x
Bodinki Puerto ricans x
Boffer/Boofer Blacks x
Bog-Jumper Irish x
Bog-trotter Irish x
Bogan Australians x
Bohunk Hungarians x
Bolillo Whites x
Bolita Bolivian x
Bologna Italians x
Bomb Blacks x
Bomb Watcher Japanese x
Bomb-Builder Arabs x
Bones Jews x
Bonky Blacks x
Boogalee Cajuns x
Boogat Blacks x
Boogie Blacks x
Boogie Man Whites x
Boojie Indians x
Boomer Australian aboriginals x
Boon Blacks x
Booner Australian x
Boong Australian aboriginals x
Boori Australian aboriginals x
Bootlip Blacks x
Border Bandit Mexicans x
Border Bunny Hispanics x
Border Nigger Hispanics x
Border-Hopper Hispanics x
Bosants Bosnians x
Bosch Germans x
Boskur Bosnians x
Boss Whites x
Boudreaux Cajuns x
Bounty Bar Blacks x
Bourbon Blacks x
Bow Bender Native americans x
Boxcutter Arabs x
Boxhead Germans x
Boy Blacks x
Bozak Blacks x
Bozgor Hungarians x
Bracero Mexicans x
Brady Whites x
Branch Manager Blacks x
Brass Ankle Mixed races x
Brazuca Brazilians x
Brew Jews x
Briar Whites x
Brillo Pad Blacks x
Brit British x
Bro Blacks x
Bro-ho Whites x
Bronx Indian Jews x
Brother Blacks x
Brown Pants/Shirts Italians x
Brown Tractor Mexicans x
Brown Trumpet Blacks x
Brownie Blacks x
Bruce Lee Asians x
Bruised Banana Asians x
Bubb Rubb Blacks x
Bubba Blacks x
Bubba Whites x
Bubble Greeks x
Bubbles Blacks x
Buck Native americans x
Buck/Buck Nigger Blacks x
Bucket Whites x
Buckethead Koreans x
Buckra Whites x
Buckwheat Blacks x
Buddhahead Asians x
Buddhahead Hawaiians x
Buddy Blaster Americans x
Buffalo Jockey Native americans x
Buffalo Soldier Blacks x
Buffy Whites x
Bug-Eater Asians x
Bugre Brazilians x
Buk-Buk Filipinos x
Bukakke Warrior Japanese x
Bukkakese Asians x
Buleh Whites x
Bulgie Bulgarians x
Bumblebee Mixed races x
Bumi Malaysians x
Bump Australian aboriginals x
Bumper Lips Blacks x
Bun Jews x
Bun Blacks x
Bunker Whites x
Bunny Mormons x
Buppie Blacks x
Burger Jews x
Burglar Bulgarians x
Burnt Cracker Blacks x
Burnt Match Blacks x
Burnt Pizza Italians x
Burnt Rice Asians x
Burnt Toast Blacks x
Burr Head Blacks x
Burrito Hispanics x
Bush Bandit Native american x
Bush-Boogie Blacks x
Bushmen Americans x
Bushnigger Native americans x
Buster Bulgarians x
Butter Blacks x
Butter Cookie Danish x
Butterfingers French x
Butterhead Japanese x
Buttonhead Indians x
B�d�s Ol�h Romanians x
B�g Swedes x
C-15 Blacks x
Cabbage Whites x
Cabbie Arabs x
Caber Tosser Scottish x
Cabezita Negra Hispanics x
Caco Puerto ricans x
Caffre Blacks x
Cairo Coon Arabs x
Calf Mixed races x
California Roll Asian/white x
Calpurnia Blacks x
Calzone Italians x
Camel Cowboy Arabs x
Camel Crunch Arabs x
Camel Jockey Arabs x
Camel Lips Blacks x
Camel-Fucker Arabs x
Camel-Jacker Arabs x
Campers Jews x
Can Hispanics x
Can'ardly Asians x
Can-Kicker Puerto ricans x
Canadian Blacks x
Canadian Goose Jews x
Canal Panamanians x
Canasian Mixed races x
Cancer Whites x
Candy Man Blacks x
Caneater Australians x
Canigger Blacks x
Cankee/Cankie Canadians x
Canned Labor Mexicans x
Canuck Canadians x
Canucklehead Canadians x
Canyada Canadians x
Captain Turks x
Car Thief Hispanics x
Caramel Mixed races x
Cargo Blacks x
Carl Winslow Blacks x
Carlton (Banks) Blacks x
Carnie Mexicans x
Carpet Pilot Arabs x
Carpetbagger Americans x
Carrot Snapper Mormons x
Carrot Top Irish x
Casabooboo Blacks x
Cascos Mixed races x
Cashew Jews x
Casino Native americans x
Casper Whites x
Cast Iron Blacks x
Cat-lick Irish x
Caublasian Mixed races x
Caucasianally- Challenged Non-whites x
Caucazoid Whites x
Caulkie Whites x
Cave Nigger Arabs x
Caveman Whites x
CBC Chinese x
Celestial Chinese x
Center Denter Arabs x
Chack Mixed races x
Chad Blacks x
Chain Dragger Blacks x
Chale Chinese x
Chalky Blacks x
Chalupa Mexicans x
Cham Hispanics x
Champi�on Ecuadorians x
Chang-Ke Chinese x
Chango Blacks x
Chankoro Chinese x
Chap Asians x
Chapin Guatemalans x
Chapta Chinese x
Chara Indians x
Charcoal Briquette Blacks x
Charlie Vietnamese x
Cheap Labor Hispanics x
Checker Back Czechs x
Checkpoint Arabs x
Cheddar Hispanics x
Cheech Mexicans x
Cheese Nip Mixed races x
Cheese-Eater Dutch x
Cheesehead Whites x
Cheesehead Dutch x
Cheeser/Cheesehead Canadians x
Chefur Balkan x
Chernozhopyi Blacks x
Cherry Nigger Native americans x
Cherry Picker Hispanics x
Cheshire Cat Blacks x
Cheskey Czechs x
Chesky Czech x
Chew Mixed races x
Chex Mex Mixed races x
Chex Mix Mixed races x
Chexican Mixed races x
Chic Mixed races x
Chicago Navajo Blacks x
Chicken Bandit Blacks x
Chico Hispanics x
Chief Native americans x
Chiegro Chinese x
Chigger Chinese x
Chilango Hispanics x
Chili Hispanics x
Chili Choker Mexicans x
Chili-Shitter Hispanics x
Chinaman Asians x
Chindian Nepalese x
Chinee Chinese x
Chinegro Chileans x
Ching-Chong Asians x
Chinig Mixed races x
Chinina Asians x
Chink Asians x
Chink-a-billy Chinese x
Chinkaboo Mixed races x
Chinkamo Mixed races x
Chinkerbell Asians x
Chinksta Chinese x
Chinless Wonder British x
Chino Chinese x
Chinxican Mixed races x
Chiquita Blacks x
Chirp Whites x
Chite Whites x
Choco Blacks x
Chocolate Dip(per) Whites x
Chocolate Drop Blacks x
Chocolate-Covered Marshmallow Blacks x
Chocolate-Dipper Whites x
Chod Guamanians x
Chole Creole x
Cholo Mexicans x
Cholo/chola Hispanics x
Chombo Blacks x
Chonkey Mixed races x
Chonky Chinese x
Choo-Choo Chinese x
Chop Mixed races x
Chop Stick Chinese x
Chopper Americans x
Chork Chinese x
Chosenjin Koreans x
Christ Killer Jews x
Chromer Australian aboriginals x
Chromey Mixed races x
Chuck Polish x
Chuco Mexicans x
CHUD Blacks x
Chug Native americans x
Chukcha Eskimos x
Chunga Hispanics x
Chunk Chinese x
Chunt Mexicans x
Cigani Serbs x
Cigarette-Smuggler Montenegrians x
Circle-K Jews x
CJ Mixed races x
Clamhand Whites x
Clampett Whites x
Clay-Eater Whites x
Cleaning Lady Polish x
Clicker Africans x
Clicky Blacks x
Cliff Ape Blacks x
Cliptip Jews x
Clit-Chopper Arabs x
Clit-Swiper Arabs x
Clitless Arabs x
Clocker Blacks x
Cloggie Dutch x
Clover Irish x
Clown Irish x
Clown-Car Mexicans x
Clyde Blacks x
Coal-Burner Whites x
Coal-Cracker Irish x
Coal-Miner Blacks x
Coalhauler Whites x
Coat Hispanics x
Coca Mozambicans x
Cocachewers Peruvians x
Cochise Native americans x
Cock-Asian Whites x
Cock/Cauc Whites x
Cocks British x
Cocksauce Whites x
Cocoa Blacks x
Cocoa Puff Blacks x
Cocoa Puff Whites x
Cocolo Blacks x
Coconut Blacks x
Coconut Nigger Pacific islanders x
Cocoon Blacks x
Coffee Bean Colombians x
Coin Slot Asians x
Coke Camel Hispanics x
Cold Drink Blacks x
Colin Blacks x
Colonel's Kids Blacks x
Colonial Americans x
Colored Blacks x
Coltrane Blacks x
Commie Russians x
Comrade Chinx Africans x
Confederate Whites x
Congo Blacks x
Congo Lip Blacks x
Conky Whites x
Conky Blacks x
Conquistador Blacks x
Convict Blacks x
Convict Australians x
Cook Asians x
Cookie Chinese x
Cookie Blacks x
Cookies 'n Cream Mixed races x
Coolie Asians x
Coon Blacks x
Coonadian Blacks x
Coonass Cajuns x
Cooner Blacks x
Coontang Blacks x
Cordon Blacks x
Corky Whites x
Corky Dominicans x
Corn Mexicans x
Cornbread Blacks x
Cornelius Blacks x
Cornfed Whites x
Cosby Blacks x
Cossak Russians x
Cotton Ball Blacks x
Cotton-Picker Blacks x
Cow-Kisser Indians x
Cowboy-Killer Native americans x
Cowfuck Whites x
Crabrangook Chinese x
Cracker Whites x
Cracker Jack Whites x
Cracker Jap Japanese x
Crapaud French x
Craw Blacks x
Crayola Blacks x
Cream Of Wheat Blacks x
Cremlin Whites x
Crick Gypsy Whites x
Cricket Blacks x
Crikey Jews x
Crikey Australians x
Crime Blacks x
Crimestopper Blacks x
Criminal Factory Blacks x
Crioulo Blacks x
Crisco Whites x
Crispy Blacks x
Crizm Whites x
Cross-Dresser Scottish x
Crotchless Pants Koreans x
Crote Croatians x
Crouton French x
Crow Blacks x
Crow Native americans x
Crudo Whites x
Crumpet-Stuffer British x
Crumpet-Sucker British x
Crunchy Iraqis x
Cube Cubans x
Cube Eskimos x
Cubs Blacks x
Cuff Blacks x
Curb-Biter Blacks x
Curry Indians x
Curry-Muncher Indians x
Custer Whites x
Cuz Australian aboriginals x
Cygan Gypsy x
Czarnuch Blacks x
Czigger Mixed races x
D.F.N. Blacks x
D.I.P. Indians x
Da Bi Zi Whites x
Da Gui Whites x
Dago Italians x
Dago Spanish x
Dagowop Italians x
Dahati Iranians x
Daikon Japanese x
DAK Koreans x
DampBack Mexicans x
DAN Blacks x
Dancing Dragon Chinese x
Dandruff Whites x
Darkie Blacks x
Darkness Blacks x
Data Asians x
Dawg Blacks x
Ddang Kong Vietnamese x
Dead Sea Pedestrian Jews x
Dees-Right Arabs x
Defendant Blacks x
Dema Icelanders x
Demi-nigger Arabs x
Democrats Blacks x
DeNiro Whites x
Derka Derka Arabs x
Desabrido Whites x
Desi Indians x
Desi Cubans x
Destro Blacks x
Deuce Blacks x
Devil Whites x
Dexican Mixed races x
Dholia Whites x
Dial Jews x
Diaper-Head Arabs x
Dib Israelis x
Dicksuckinflog Dutch x
Diesel Native americans x
Dim Sum Chinese x
Ding Dong Blacks x
Dinge Blacks x
Dingo Fucker Australians x
Dink Vietnamese x
Dirt-Worshipper Native americans x
Dirty Knees Arabs x
Dirty Sanchez Mexicans x
Ditchpig Whites x
Ditz Whites x
Do-Da Blacks x
Doener Turkish x
Dog-Breath Koreans x
Dog-Eater Asians x
Dog-Fucker Whites x
Dog-Muncher Asians x
Dome Dominicans x
Domino Mixed races x
Donkey Irish x
Donkey Kong Blacks x
Dootie Blacks x
Doozers Whites x
Dorito Blacks x
Dot Knot Indians x
Dot/Dot-Head Indians x
Dottie Indians x
Double A Blacks x
Double D Arabs x
Double Dip Blacks x
Doujin Blacks x
Douse Whites x
Dozer Hispanics x
DP Polish x
Drac Romanians x
Drago Russians x
Dreads Jamaicans x
Dreidl Jews x
Dried Shit Whites x
Drongo Australians x
Drunk Irish x
Dryback Canadians x
Drywaller Hispanics x
Dub Ukrainians x
Dubya Americans x
Duck Vietnamese x
Duke Nukem Americans x
Dumb Wet Hispanics x
Dumb-inican Dominicans x
Dune Coon Arabs x
Dune Nigger Arabs x
Durka-durka Arabs x
Dusty Nuts Arabs x
DWB Whites x
DWB Blacks x
DWO Asians x
Dyke Dutch x
Dyke-Jumper Dutch x
Easy-Bake Nigger Jews x
Egg Whites x
Egghead Asians x
Egglet Blacks x
Eggot Blacks x
Eggplant Blacks x
Eggplant Parmesan Mixed races x
Eggroll Asians x
Egot Blacks x
Egoy Blacks x
Eight Ball Blacks x
El Chino Chinese x
Elephant Jockey Indians x
Elevator Operator Blacks x
Elvis Whites x
Eminem Whites x
Eraser Head Blacks x
Es-obe Blacks x
Esau Whites x
Ese Hispanics x
Eskimo Native americans x
Etch Indians x
Etchy Whites x
Etnikum Gypsy x
Eucalyptus Nigger Australian aboriginals x
Eurinal Europeans x
Euro Mediterraneans x
Eurotrash Europeans x
Ewok Arabs x
Extra Crispy Blacks x
F.B.I. Irish x
Fabo Australian aboriginals x
Fadi Arabs x
Fahim Blacks x
Fake Mexican Hispanics x
Fakey Jamaikey Blacks x
Falasha Jews x
Fan Kuei Whites x
Farang Whites x
Farang/Falang Whites x
Farq Whites x
Fat Albert Blacks x
FBI Native americans x
Feargal Blacks x
Feather Native americans x
Featherhead Native americans x
Feb Blacks x
Feb British x
Felipe Parkhurst Guatemalans x
Fence Fairy Mexicans x
Fence-Hopper Mexicans x
Fenian Irish x
Fesskin Mexicans x
Fez Arabs x
Fidel Hispanics x
Field Nigger Blacks x
Field Rat Mexicans x
Fig Gobbler Arabs x
FILA Blacks x
Fili Cheese Steak Filipinos x
Filthy Pino Filipinos x
Fingernail Rancher Asians x
Finne Finnish x
Firangi Whites x
Fire Bush Irish x
Fire Crotch Irish x
Firecracker Whites x
Firecracker Arabs x
Firewood Jews x
Fischkopf Germans x
Fish Israelis x
Fish Portuguese x
Fish Bengals x
Fish-Belly Whites x
Fish-Eater Norwegians x
Fishhead Asians x
Flash Americans x
Flat-ass Whites x
Flat-Back Whites x
Flease Greeks x
Fligga Filipinos x
Fligger Filipinos x
Flip Filipinos x
Flipper Mixed races x
Flipsican Mixed races x
Flock of Seagulls Whites x
Floppy Blacks x
Floss Asians x
Flour Bag Whites x
FOB Immigrants x
FOB Mexicans x
Foedy Blacks x
FOF Mexicans x
Fog Horn British x
Fog Nigger English x
Fog-Breather British x
Fonzie Italians x
Fort Injun/Indian Native americans x
Forty-Fiver Chinese x
Foster Australians x
Fountain Swimmer Australian aboriginals x
Four By Two Jews x
Four Footer Mexicans x
Franklin Blacks x
Frasier Blacks x
Fremen Arabs x
Fritz Germans x
FroBro Blacks x
Frog French x
Frogman Colombians x
Frostback Canadians x
Frostbite Blacks x
Frosty Whites x
Frotch Irish x
Frozen Frog French canadians x
Fruit-Picker Hispanics x
FUBU Blacks x
Fuji Japanese x
Fumblin' Dublin Irish x
Fur Licker French x
Future Inmate Blacks x
G/Gee Blacks x
Gabacho Whites x
Gádzsó Hungarians x
Gai-jin Whites x
Gai-ko Whites x
Gallego Spaniards x
Galleta Whites x
Gandhi Indians x
Ganesh Indians x
Gans Latvians x
Gar Blacks x
Garden Gnome Hispanics x
Gardner Hispanics x
Gargamel Jews x
Garlic Bread Italians x
Garlic Breath Italians x
Gas Huffer Native americans x
Gas Pumper Indians x
Gasbag Native americans x
Gatemaster Jews x
Gatorbait Blacks x
Gavacho Whites x
GED Blacks x
Geechee Blacks x
Geep Italians x
General Tso Chinese x
Germ Germans x
German Candle Jews x
German Oven Mitt Jews x
Gew Jews x
Ghengi Mongolians x
Ghetto Blacks x
Ghetto Hamster Blacks x
Ghetto Monkey Blacks x
Ghinder Indians x
Ghost Whites x
Ghost Rider Blacks x
Ghoul Whites x
Gilligan Whites x
Gimmie Arabs x
Gimpy Blacks x
Gin Australian aboriginals x
Gina Italians x
Gingerbread Man Jews x
Gink Asians x
Ginny Italians x
Gino Italians x
Ginzo Italians x
Glass Nigger Arabs x
Glendale Armenians x
Glocky Blacks x
Glonni Native americans x
Goat Roper Arabs x
Goat Roper Whites x
Goatbanger Greeks x
GOB Whites x
Gobbler Greeks x
Godzilla Snack Japanese x
Goggles Australian aboriginals x
Goldberg Jews x
Golden Toe Whites x
Goldfish Monger Asians x
Goldie Jews x
Golliwog Blacks x
Goloid Asians x
Gomer Whites x
Gong Fei Chinese x
Goober Whites x
Gook Vietnamese x
Gookaniese Vietnamese x
Gookemon Asians x
Gookie Monster Vietnamese x
Goombah Italians x
Goon Ninja Australian aboriginals x
Gor Blacks x
Gora Whites x
Gord Canadians x
Gordita Mexicans x
Gorilla Blacks x
Gorilla Head Whites x
Goulash Hungarians x
Goy/Goyim Whites x
Goya Hispanics x
Graham Cracker Mixed races x
Grand Dragon Whites x
Grape-Smasher Italians x
Grape-Stomper Italians x
Grapico Blacks x
Grasshopper Asians x
Grasshopper Mexicans x
Gravelbellies Hispanics x
Gray Whites x
Grayboy/girl Whites x
Grease Ball Italians x
Grease Ball/Bag Greeks x
Greaser Mexicans x
Greaser Blacks x
Great Satan Americans x
Greek-arican Mixed races x
Green Irish x
Green Bean Mixed races x
Green Nigger Irish x
Greenhorn Portuguese x
Grenade Arabs x
Grinder Asians x
Gringo Whites x
Gro Blacks x
Groid Blacks x
Gronesha Blacks x
Groundskeeper Willie Scottish x
Grout Germans x
GTA Blacks x
Guachupine Spaniards x
Guancaca Salvadorans x
Guati Guatemalans x
Gubba Australians x
Guero Whites x
Guero/Guera Whites x
Guerro Whites x
Guffie English x
Guido Italians x
Guinea Pig Italians x
Guinea/Ginney Italians x
Gulper Vietnamese x
Gumby Macedonians x
Gump Whites x
Gunmaker Columbian x
Guppie Greeks x
Gupta Indians x
Gurrya Whites x
Gusak Whites x
Gut-Eater Native americans x
Guttermonkey Blacks x
Gwai-lo Whites x
Gwat Central americans x
Gyp/Gyppo Egyptians x
Gypsy Romanians x
HAB Asians x
Habib Indians x
Habibi Arabs x
Hadji Indians x
Haggis Scottish x
Haggistani Scottish x
Hagwei/Hayquay Blacks x
Hakui Blacks x
Halee Halaa Indians x
Half Baked Mixed races x
Half Breed Mixed races x
Half Cast Mixed races x
Half-a-gas-can Native americans x
Half-Dick Jews x
Half-Human Blacks x
Halfrican Mixed races x
Halfro Mixed races x
Halfula Mixed races x
Hambone Blacks x
Hamburger Americans x
Hamilton Indians x
Hanah Jews x
Hans Bitterman Germans x
Haole Whites x
Hapa Pacific islanders x
Hapshi Africans x
Harbor-Bomber Japanese x
Harlem Blacks x
Harp Irish x
Harpoon-Chucker Eskimos x
Hatchet-Packer Native americans x
Haunt Blacks x
Hawaga/Khawaga Whites x
Hay Seed Whites x
Head Hunters Polynesians x
Head-bangers Muslims x
Hear-em-screama Japanese x
Hebe/Heeb Jews x
Hebro Jews x
Heebarican Mixed races x
Heinee Germans x
Heinz Mixed races x
Helo Whites x
Hendrix Blacks x
Hentai Japanese x
Herm Germans x
Herring Choker Scandinavians x
Hibe Irish x
Hick Whites x
Hickory-Smoked Jews x
Higger Indians x
High Yellow Blacks x
Highboots Greeks x
Hightalians Italians x
Hillbilly Whites x
Hillbilly Scottish x
Hilljack Whites x
Hillwilliam Whites x
Himey Jews x
Hispandex Hispanics x
Hitler Germans x
HNIC Blacks x
Ho Baas Blacks x
Ho De Doz Blacks x
Ho-chi Vietnamese x
Hohol Ukranians x
Hollowhead Dutch x
Holly Whites x
Holy Shit Blacks x
Homey/Homie Blacks x
Homocrat Greeks x
Honger Chinese x
Honkaloid Whites x
Honky/Honkie Whites x
Honky/Honkie Asians x
Hooknose Jews x
Hoon Australians x
Hoopie Whites x
Hoopty Blacks x
Hoosier Whites x
Hootie Blacks x
Hop-Sing Chinese x
Hori Maori x
Horse-Gums Blacks x
Horseface Whites x
Horvitz Jews x
Hoser Canadians x
Hot Dog Eater Americans x
Hot Footer Hispanics x
Hot Pocket Jews x
Hotel Blacks x
Hothead Italians x
Hotnot Blacks x
House Nigger Blacks x
Housekeeping Hispanics x
Howdy Whites x
HP Whites x
Hucka-lucka Arabs x
Huey Blacks x
Huff Native americans x
Huk Filipinos x
Hun Germans x
Hunkie Hungarians x
Hunyak Polish x
Hurammi Arabs x
Hurri Swedes x
Huskie Eskimos x
Hutch Blacks x
Huxtable Blacks x
Hymie Jews x
I P's Blacks x
I-Tie Italians x
Ian Armenians x
Ice Monkey Finnish x
Ice Nigger Canadians x
Iceback Canadians x
Ikey-Mo Jews x
Imitasian Whites x
Imperialist Americans x
In-Betweener Puerto ricans x
Incognegro Whites x
Indian Native americans x
Indijew Mixed races x
Indo Indonesians x
Indon Indonesians x
Indonigger Indians x
Init Native americans x
Injun Native americans x
Inky Blacks x
Interesting Jews x
Inverse Raddish Russians x
Iraqi Pete Arabs x
IROC Italians x
Ironing Board Asians x
Isaac Jews x
Island Beaner Cubans x
Island Monkey English x
Island Nigger Polynesians x
Itch Yugoslavs x
Ivan Russians x
Ivory Whites x
J.J. Blacks x
Jab Indians x
Jabonee Italians x
Jackamammy Blacks x
Jacker Arabs x
Jackpot Blacks x
Jafa Australians x
Jafa Australian aboriginals x
Jafaken Whites x
Jagger Mixed races x
Jake Americans x
Jam Bun Germans x
Jamairican Jamaicans x
Jambo Blacks x
Jandel Polynesians x
Jane Goodall Whites x
Jank Japanese x
Janner English x
Jap Japanese x
JAP Jews x
Japanigger Asians x
Japansy Japanese x
Jar Jar Blacks x
Jar-Head/Jarhead Americans x
Jarhead Americans x
Jaundy Boy Asians x
Jawa Arabs x
Jeeves British x
Jek Chinese x
Jellybean Blacks x
Jerry Germans x
Jerry Curl Blacks x
Jersey-Dweller Blacks x
Jesus Killer Jews x
Jet Blacks x
Jew Jews x
Jew Burner Germans x
Jew Jew Bee Jews x
Jew Killer Germans x
Jew Yorker Jews x
Jew-Bag Jews x
Jewbacca Jews x
Jewban Mixed races x
Jewbling Jews x
Jewbrew Jews x
Jewbu Jews x
Jewess Jews x
Jewgaboo Jews x
Jewlet Jews x
Jewmaican Jews x
Jewop Mixed races x
Jewpac Jews x
Jewpidity Jews x
Jewrab Mixed races x
Jewrican Mixed races x
Jewronimo Mixed races x
Jewxican Mixed races x
Jibaro Puerto ricans x
Jiffy Pop Blacks x
Jig Blacks x
Jig Japanese x
Jig Native americans x
Jig And A Pig Blacks x
Jig-Abdul Arabs x
Jigaboo Blacks x
Jigabrew Mixed races x
Jigga Blacks x
Jigger Mixed races x
Jihad Arabs x
Jihadi Arabs x
Jim Blacks x
Jim Crow Blacks x
Jin Australian aboriginals x
Jin Asians x
Jink Mixed races x
Jish Jewish x
Jjanggae Chinese x
Jock Scottish x
Joe Americans x
Johk Sing Chinese x
John Deere Whites x
John Redcorn Native americans x
John Rocker Whites x
Johnny Bull English x
Johnny Reb Whites x
JOJ Immigrants x
Jr. Mint Blacks x
Juan Valdez Hispanics x
Juba Blacks x
Juban Mixed races x
JUBU Jews x
Jughead Koreans x
Julab Indians x
July Ham Blacks x
Jumbo Jaws Americans x
Jump-up Jamaicans x
Jumping Bean Mexicans x
June Bug Blacks x
Jungle Bunny Blacks x
Junta Asians x
Justin Igger Blacks x
Kaaskop Dutch x
Kabloonuk Whites x
Kabob Armenians x
Kaek Indians x
Kaffer/ir Blacks x
Kaffir Blacks x
Kafir Africans x
Kaiser Germans x
Kala Blacks x
Kaliali Indians x
Kalu Indians x
Kamikaze Japanese x
Kanak Hawaiians x
Kanaka Hawaiians x
Kangaroo Australians x
Kango Whites x
Kangy Australians x
Kano Americans x
Kartoffel Germans x
Katsap Russians x
Katwa Muslims x
Katzenfresser Italians x
Keebler Whites x
Kees Dutch x
Kekeke Koreans x
Kermit French x
Kerpal Pakistanis x
KFC Blacks x
Khao-Khao Whites x
Khmerican Cambodians x
Khokhol Ukrainians x
Ki Yi Native americans x
Kike Jews x
Killer Bee Mexicans x
Kilt Scottish x
Kimchee Koreans x
Kingfish Blacks x
Kink Koreans x
Kink Mixed races x
Kirby Blacks x
Kitchen Sink Chinese x
Kiwi New zealanders x
Kizzy Blacks x
Klondyke Eskimos x
Klooch Native americans x
Knee Jerk Native americans x
Knees Asians x
Knees Grow Blacks x
Knuckle-Dragger Blacks x
Koala Australians x
Kobe Blacks x
Kogut Ukrainians x
Koku-jin Blacks x
Kook Whites x
Koolaid Blacks x
Koona Australian aboriginals x
Koorie Australian aboriginals x
Kooshi Blacks x
Kosher Konsumer Jews x
Koshie Jews x
Kossy Germans x
Kotonk Japanese x
Kraftwerk Germans x
Kraut Germans x
Kukolokod Native americans x
Kullemaia Estonians x
Kumar Indians x
Kung-fu Chinese x
Kunta (Kinte) Blacks x
Kurad Estonians x
Kurochan Blacks x
Kurombo Blacks x
Kushi Blacks x
Kuthi Indians x
Kwai-lo Whites x
Labanc Austrians x
Labus Latvians x
Lamb Chop Greeks x
Lamington Australian aboriginals x
Lamp Shade Jews x
Land Torpedo Arabs x
Lando Blacks x
Landscaper Mexicans x
Landya Arabs x
Langosta/Langostina Cubans x
Lao-Mo Hispanics x
Lao-wai Whites x
Laplander Sami x
Laposta Italians x
Lapp Sami x
Larrikin Australians x
Lassie Whites x
Latifah Blacks x
Latrino Hispanics x
Latte Mixed races x
Latvo Latvians x
Lava Lamp Hawaiians x
Lava Nigger Hawaiians x
Lawn Jockey Blacks x
Lawnmower Mexicans x
LBD Non-whites x
LBFM Filipinos x
Leafblower Hispanics x
Leb/Lebbo Lebanese x
Leche Whites x
Lefty Arabs x
Lego Asians x
Lemonhead Asians x
Leprechaun Irish x
Leprecoon Blacks x
Leroy Blacks x
LeRoy Rogers Blacks x
Levar Blacks x
Lice Whites x
Lice-Nester Whites x
Lily Whites x
Limey British x
Lincoln's Mistake Blacks x
Linthead Whites x
Lit Lithuanians x
Lithwhack Lithuanians x
Little (Black) Sambo Blacks x
Little Brown Buddy Filipinos x
Little Hiroshima Asians x
Litvok Lithuanians x
Liver Lips Blacks x
Liverlips Blacks x
Lizard Chinese x
Lobster Whites x
Lobsterback British x
Loby Hispanics x
Lock Polish x
Locust Eater Afghans x
Lofan Whites x
Lov Russians x
Lowlander Dutch x
Lowrider Hispanics x
Lubricano Mexicans x
Lucius Blacks x
Lugan Lithuanians x
Lugz Blacks x
Luigi Italians x
Lynch-monger Whites x
Ma Se Poes Blacks x
Mac Scottish x
Macaca Indians x
Macaco Brazilians x
Macaquito Brazilians x
Macaroni Italians x
Mackerel Snapper Irish x
MacLord Whites x
Madrasis Indians x
Maggot Whites x
Magila Gorilla Blacks x
Mahout Indians x
Mail-order Bride Filipinos x
Maize-Muncher Native americans x
Makak Moroccan x
Makaronifresser Italians x
Malabari Malayali/indian x
Maldito Bori Puerto ricans x
Mammy Blacks x
Mandingo Blacks x
Mandinka Blacks x
Mango Hawaiians x
Mangosteen Indians x
Mangro-Monkey Blacks x
Manny Portuguese x
Manuel Labor Mexicans x
Mao Chinese x
Mape Canadians x
Maple Leaf Nigger Canadians x
Maple-Sucker Canadians x
Mario Italians x
Maroon Blacks x
Marsh Nigger Dutch x
Marshmallow Whites x
MARTA Blacks x
Martha Stewart Whites x
Mascot Native americans x
Massa Whites x
Mat Saleh Whites x
Matza-Gobbler Jews x
Matzah Jews x
Mavro/Mav Blacks x
Mayate Blacks x
Mayflower Whites x
Mayonnaise Whites x
McChigger Mixed races x
McGook Vietnamese x
McKraut Mixed races x
McNigga Blacks x
McNugget Scottish x
McSpic Mixed races x
McWop Mixed races x
MD Whites x
Mead Irish x
Meat Pie Asians x
Meatball Italians x
Mechanical Blacks x
Med Wop Mediterraneans x
Mehi Mexican x
Melanzana Blacks x
Mellanoid Blacks x
Melon Johnny Blacks x
Memetis Turks x
Memphis Whites x
Merkin Americans x
Meshback Whites x
Meshky Blacks x
Mestizo Hispanics x
Mexcrement Mexicans x
Mexi-Ho's Mexicans x
Mexican't Mexicans x
Mexicoon Mixed races x
Mexijew Mixed races x
Meximese Mixed races x
Mi Dang Blacks x
Michelli Whites x
Mick/Mic/Mc Irish x
Midnight Blacks x
Migger Mexicans x
Miguel Mexicans x
Milano Mixed races x
Milk Whites x
Milk Dud Blacks x
Milkhead Whites x
Milkman Blacks x
Milky Whites x
Mingia Italians x
Mishwa Blacks x
Miss Cleo Blacks x
Missing Tooth Whites x
Missippi Tree Emblem Blacks x
Mississippi Blue Lip Blacks x
Mister Charles Vietnamese x
Mister Charlie Whites x
Miyagi Asians x
Miyate Blacks x
MLK Blacks x
Mo Mexicans x
Mo Eskimos x
Mo And Yo Blacks x
Moanback Blacks x
MOB Americans x
Mocha Arabs x
Mockey Jews x
Mocro Moroccans x
Modern Farm Equipment Mexicans x
Moe Chinese x
Mof/Moffen Germans x
Mohow Native americans x
Mojack Icelandics x
Mojado Hispanics x
Mojo Hispanics x
Moke Hawaiians x
Molecko Jecko Egyptians x
Monday Blacks x
Mongrel Mixed races x
Monkey Blacks x
Monkeyboy Blacks x
Mono Blacks x
Montana Hispanics x
Montu Blacks x
Mook Chinese x
Mooliachi Blacks x
Moolie Blacks x
Moolignon Blacks x
Moon Cricket Blacks x
Moon Cricket Whites x
Moor Arabs x
Moose Koreans x
Moosefucker Canadians x
Moron Mormons x
Morta Cristo Jews x
Moses Jews x
Moskal Russians x
Mosquito Muslims x
Mosquito Jews x
Moss Eater Whites x
Mottisa Blacks x
Mountain Monkey Norwegians x
Mouse Whites x
Mow-Mow Blacks x
Mozzie Muslims x
Mr. Big Blacks x
Mr. Bojangles Blacks x
MSG Farmers Chinese x
Muck Eskimos x
Muck Native americans x
Muckadoo Blacks x
Mucker Irish x
Mud Mixed races x
Mud Duck Blacks x
Mud Flaps Blacks x
Mud People Blacks x
Mud Shark Whites x
Mud Turtle Blacks x
Mudak Russians x
Mudskipper Whites x
Mudslide Mexicans x
Mufasa Blacks x
Muffin-head Blacks x
Muhammad Arabs x
Muk/Muktuk Eskimos x
Muktuk Eskimos x
Mulan Chinese x
Mule Hispanics x
Mullato Mixed races x
Mulletard Whites x
Mullethead Whites x
Mulunyan Blacks x
Mung Vietnamese x
Mungen Chinese x
Mungie Cake Whites x
Munt Blacks x
Mupp Whites x
Muppetfucker Whites x
Murray Maori x
Mushu Asians x
Musungu Whites x
Mutt Mixed races x
Muzzie Arabs x
My Friend! Indians x
Mythmaker Greeks x
N'er Blacks x
N.E.D. Scottish x
N.L.B. Whites x
Naca Blacks x
Nacho Hispanics x
Naco Hispanics x
Nade Canadians x
Naffer Arabs x
NAGA Blacks x
Nagasaki Japanese x
Nagur Blacks x
NAHA Blacks x
Nammer Vietnamese x
Nanner Blacks x
Nanner Afghans x
NAPA Blacks x
Napalm Vietnamese x
Napkin Nigger Indians x
Nappy Head Blacks x
Nappy-headed Ho Blacks x
Narrow Back Irish x
NASA African americans x
Natasha Russians x
Nate Native americans x
Nazi Germans x
Neanderthal Scottish x
Neck Whites x
Neechee Native americans x
Neekeri/Nekru Blacks x
Negative Blacks x
Negress Blacks x
Negro Blacks x
Negroid Blacks x
Negrophiliac Whites x
Nelly Blacks x
Nethead Hispanics x
New York Met Hispanics x
Newfie Canadians x
Newspaper Mixed races x
Newyorican Puerto ricans x
NFT Blacks x
Ng Asians x
Ni-ni Blacks x
Niche Blacks x
Nickel Nose Jews x
Nico/a Nicaraguans x
Nig-nog Blacks x
Nigdu Mixed races x
Niggabyte Blacks x
Niggapotomous Blacks x
Nigger Blacks x
Nigger Whites x
Nigger Digger Whites x
Nigger Magnet Whites x
Nigger mortis Blacks x
Niggerachi Blacks x
Niggerette Blacks x
Niggerican Mixed races x
Niggerino Blacks x
Niggeroid Blacks x
Nigglet Blacks x
Night Club Bomber Muslims x
Night Fighter Black x
Night-Rider Whites x
Nightcrawler Blacks x
Nightlite Whites x
Niglige Blacks x
Nigloo Blacks x
Nignorant Blacks x
Nigonometry Blacks x
Nigook Mixed races x
Nigra Blacks x
Nigress Blacks x
Nike Mixed races x
Niknok Blacks x
Nikon Asians x
Nilla Whites x
Nina Irish x
Nine Iron Asians x
Nineteens (19's) Blacks x
Ninja Asians x
Ninja Blacks x
Nink Chinese x
Ninky Mixed races x
Nip Japanese x
Nip/Nipper Japanese x
Niponese Japanese x
Nipper Japanese x
Nippopotomus Japanese x
Niptai Mixed races x
Nit Native americans x
Nitch Blacks x
Nog Blacks x
NOLA Blacks x
Non Whites x
Nonswimmer Blacks x
Nooc Blacks x
Noodle Nigger Chinese x
Nooger Chinese x
Noogin Norwegians x
Norbagge Norwegians x
Nordski Scandinavians x
Nork North koreans x
Norsk Norwegians x
Norsky Norwegians x
North Mexican Canadians x
November Blacks x
Nubian Princess Blacks x
Number 2 Blacks x
Nunga Australian aboriginals x
Nuprin Asians x
Nurple Blacks x
O.J. Blacks x
O.T.W. Blacks x
Oar Tuggers Blacks x
OBG Blacks x
Ocnod Arabs x
Octoroon Mixed races x
Ofay Whites x
Off Beat Whites x
Off-White Mediterraneans x
Oil Baron Arabs x
Oil Junky Americans x
Oil Slick Blacks x
Ola Norwegians x
Olaf Scandinavians x
Old Brown Tucker Blacks x
Old Fig Whites x
Olejnik Slovakians x
Olive Nigger Greeks x
Olive-Picker Greeks x
Olympican Mexicans x
Omarosa Blacks x
Onionhead Urkranians x
OPEC Arabs x
Opie Whites x
Oquizi Ohcha Whites x
Orange Picker Hispanics x
Orangie Dutch x
Orb Blacks x
Oreo Blacks x
Oreo Asians x
Oriental Asian x
Orlando Blacks x
Ornamental Asians x
Osama Arabs x
Osrouge Mixed races x
Otaku Whites x
Othello Blacks x
Oven Magnet Jews x
Oven-Baked Jews x
Oven-Dweller Jews x
Oye Cubans x
Oyebo Whites x
Oz Australians x
P-1 Asians x
P. R. Puerto ricans x
P.L.O. Arabs x
P.O.A. Blacks x
Pac Man Pakistanis x
Pachuco Mexicans x
Paddy Irish x
Paddy Wagon Irish x
Pajama Mamma Arabs x
Pakeha New zealanders x
Paki Indians x
Pakoniggy Mixed races x
Pal Palestinians x
Palangi Whites x
Paleface Whites x
Paleostinian Palestinians x
Palesimian Palestinians x
Palewhineian Palestinians x
Palm Beacher Jews x
Palta Blacks x
Pancake Asians x
Pancake Whites x
Panda Panamanians x
Panda Trainer Chinese x
Panface Chinese x
Panhead Asians x
Papa Ganoush Arabs x
Paperbag Creole x
Papolo Blacks x
Paragraph Hispanics x
Paragua Paraguayans x
Paris Hilton Whites x
Parsik Persians x
Pastyface Whites x
Patel Indians x
Patio Primate Blacks x
Patn� Creole x
Patty Asians x
Patty Whites x
Peanut Butter Brother Arabs x
Peasouper French canadians x
Peckerwood Whites x
Peckin Whites x
Peeled Banana Asians x
Pekka Finnish x
Pelu-ano Peruvians x
Pen and Ink Chinese x
Pendos Greeks x
Penny Chaser Jews x
Penny-Pincher Jews x
Pepik Czechs x
Pepper French canadians x
Pepperbelly Hispanics x
Pepsi French canadians x
Perm Sperm Whites x
Perogy Ukrainians x
Persuasion Whites x
Peter Pan/Tinkerbell Dutch x
Petrol Sniffers Australian aboriginals x
Petrolera Whites x
Petrolero Hispanics x
Petrovich Slovakians x
Pez Dispenser Blacks x
Phlegm Belgians x
Pickaninny Blacks x
Pie Face Eskimos x
Piffke Germans x
Pig-fucker Whites x
Pigger Pakistanis x
Pigmently-Challenged Whites x
PIGS Mediterraneans x
Pikachu Japanese x
Pikajew Mixed races x
Pikey Gypsies x
Pilgrim Whites x
Pindos Americans x
Pindunderjip Indians x
Pine Sol Blacks x
Pine Tree Ornament Blacks x
Pineapple Blacks x
Pineapple Filipinos x
Pineapple Lump Asians x
Pineapple Nigger Hawaiians x
Pineback Canadians x
Pinewood Whites x
Piney Whites x
Ping Pong Chinese x
Ping-pang Asians x
Pink Toe Whites x
Pink-Heel Blacks x
Pinkaloid Whites x
Pinko Russians x
Pinky Whites x
Pinky Poop Mixed races x
Pinocchio Jews x
Pinto Mixed races x
Pipe Blower Scottish x
Piper Scottish x
Pit Blacks x
Pizdaglaz Asians x
Pizza Jews x
Pizza Nigger Italians x
Pizzabagel Mixed races x
Plantain Dominicans x
Plastic Paddy Irish x
Platano Power Dominicans x
Plate Tossers Asians x
Platneus Blacks x
Pleb Whites x
Plow Jockey Blacks x
Po'bucker Whites x
Po-Bean Hispanics x
POC Blacks x
Pocho Hispanics x
Pocky Japanese x
Pogue Irish x
Pohm British x
Poi-belly Hawaiians x
Point-Six (.6) Blacks x
Pointy-Head Asians x
Pokemon Japanese x
Polar Bear Whites x
Polarican Mixed races x
Pole Polish x
Polentone Italians x
Polexican Mixed races x
Pollo Hispanics x
Polock/Polak Polish x
Polski Polish x
Pome British x
Pontiac Blacks x
Poo Blacks x
Pookie Blacks x
Pool-digger Mexicans x
Poon Hindus x
Pooty Whites x
Popolo Blacks x
Popov Russians x
Poppin Fresh Whites x
Popular Science Jews x
Porch Honkey Whites x
Porch Monkey Blacks x
Pork and Cheese Portuguese x
Pork-chop Portuguese x
Porky Jews x
Poro Finnish x
Porqin Puerto ricans x
Porridge Wog Scottish x
Portagee Portuguese x
Portajew Mixed races x
Portawop Mixed races x
Portugoose Portuguese x
Post It Asians x
Pot-Licker Irish x
Potato Mexicans x
Potato Breath Irish x
Potato Head Irish x
Potato Nigger Irish x
Potato Queen Asians x
Potato-Eater Irish x
Poutine French canadians x
Pow Wow Native americans x
Powder Whites x
Powdered Donut Whites x
Powerpoint Asians x
Prairie Nigger Native americans x
Prapper Blacks x
Pretendian Native americans x
Pretzel Blacks x
Prieto Blacks x
Prigger Canadian aboriginals/native canadians x
Primate Blacks x
Printer Whites x
Proddy Irish x
Property Blacks x
Protractor Asians x
Provo Irish x
Provolone Italians x
Pube Face Arabs x
Pube Head Blacks x
Pubie Blacks x
Puck Canadians x
Puck-Chaser Canadians x
Puckhead Canadians x
Puckstop Americans x
Pudden English x
Puddle Duck Blacks x
Puerto Grecan Mixed races x
Puerto Potty Puerto ricans x
Puika Latvians x
Puke Mixed races x
Pull-Start Indians x
Pumpkinhead Asians x
Punjab Indians x
Pus Whites x
Push-Button Indians x
Pusher-Man Blacks x
Pute Whites x
PWT Whites x
Pyramid-Fucker Egyptians x
Q-Tip Head Arabs x
Quadroon African americans x
Quarter Jockey Asians x
Quashee Blacks x
Queeb French canadians x
Queue Warmer Australian aboriginals x
Rab Arabs x
Rabbit Whites x
Rabiz Armenians x
Race-Traitor Mixed races x
Racial Slurry Mixed races x
Racially-Challanged Non-whites x
Racoon Arabs x
Rad Russians x
Radish Native americans x
Rafter Cubans x
Rag Filipinos x
Rag-head Arabs x
Ragoona Blacks x
Ragu Italians x
Rail-Hopper Chinese x
Railer Chinese x
Raisin Asians x
Raisinhead Blacks x
Rake Somalians x
Random Asians x
Rangoon Asians x
Raq-Coon Arabs x
Rasian Asians x
Rasputin Russians x
Rasta Fazoul Mixed races x
Raw Chicken Whites x
Re-nigg Blacks x
Recyclables Whites x
Red Native americans x
Red Russians x
Red Chinese x
Red Beard Whites x
Red Coat British x
Red Monkey Chinese x
Red Nigger Native americans x
Red Sea Pedestrian Jews x
Redbone Blacks x
Redface Albanians x
Redneck Whites x
Redskin Native americans x
Ref Hispanics x
Reggie Blacks x
Reggin Blacks x
Reggina Blacks x
Remote Control Blacks x
Reset Indians x
Reverse Oreo Whites x
Rhythmless Nation Whites x
Ric Whites x
Rice Ball Asians x
Rice Burner/Rice Rocket Asians x
Rice Cracker Mixed races x
Rice Cracker Whites x
Rice King Whites x
Rice Nigger Asians x
Rice-Chaser Whites x
Rice-Cooker Asians x
Rice-Eater Asians x
Rice-Paddy Asians x
Rice-Picker Asians x
Rico Suave Hispanics x
Rifle-Dropper French x
Rigger Russians x
Ringo English x
Ritz Cracker Whites x
River Nigger Mexicans x
River-Crosser Hispanics x
Rizzo Italians x
Rjeindeer-Fjucker Norwegians x
Roach Mexicans x
Roach Blacks x
Roach-Rancher Arabs x
Roadblock Mexicans x
Rock Blacks x
Rock Ape Australian aboriginals x
Rock Spider Whites x
Rock-Chucker Arabs x
Rockfish Blacks x
Rod Polish x
Roid Blacks x
ROK Koreans x
Rolling Stones Montenegrians x
Rom Romanians x
Roma Romanians x
Roman Candle Arabs x
Roo Australians x
Roo Mixed races x
Roof Rabbit Killer Chinese x
Roofucker Australians x
Rooineck British x
Rooinek British x
Rook Russians x
Rope-Head Blacks x
Rope-Straightener Blacks x
Rosbif British x
Rosuke Russians x
Round-Eye Whites x
Round-face Slovakians x
Royal Hawaiian Blacks x
RSDB This site x
Rubberhead Canadians x
Rube Whites x
Ruble Head Russians x
Rufus Blacks x
Rug Merchant Arabs x
Rug Pilot Arabs x
Rug-Rider Arabs x
Runs, The Blacks x
Ruskie Russians x
Russian Swede Finnish x
Rutabaga Swedes x
R�stifresser Swiss x
Saf South africans x
Safe Blacks x
Sailor Blacks x
Salami Italians x
Salmon Cruncher Native americans x
Salmon Nigger Native americans x
Salt-Prick South africans x
Saltine Whites x
Saltwater Nigger Cubans x
Salty Cubans x
Sam Somalians x
SAM Mexican x
Sambo Indians x
Sambo Blacks x
Sammie Somalians x
San Blacks x
Sanchez Hispanics x
Sand Flea Arabs x
Sand Groper Australians x
Sand Kisser Arabs x
Sand Monkey Arabs x
Sand Moolie Arabs x
Sand Nigger Arabs x
Sand Rat Arabs x
Sand Scratcher Arabs x
Sandies Arabs x
Sandy Arabs x
Sandy Crockett Arabs x
Sanford Blacks x
Sanjay Indians x
Sanyika Hungarians x
SARS Chinese x
Sassenach English x
Satchmo Blacks x
Saupreiss Germans x
Savage Native americans x
SAW Whites x
Sayeedi/Saeedi Egyptians x
SBH Asians x
SCAB Americans x
Scalper Native americans x
Scandie Scandinavians x
Scap Mixed races x
Scat Blacks x
Sceptic Americans x
Scheiss-Ami Americans x
Schemie Scottish x
Schiptar Albanians x
Schleu Germans x
Schlitzauge Asians x
Schluchtenscheisser Austrians x
Schmeisser Germans x
Schwartza Blacks x
Schwarzenigger Blacks x
Schwarzie Blacks x
Schwoogie Blacks x
Scooby Doo Jews x
Scotch Scottish x
Scotty Scottish x
Scrap Mexicans x
Scratch-Back Hispanics x
Scrob Icelanders x
Sea Jew Norwegians x
Sea Monkey Pacific islanders x
Seagull Filipinos x
Seal-Clubber Native americans x
Seal-Fucker Canadians x
Seaweed-Sucker Asians x
Seinfeld Jews x
Self-Chosen Jews x
Semi-Simian Blacks x
Semihole Native americans x
Seoul Man Koreans x
Seppo Americans x
Seppo/Zeppo Americans x
Septic Americans x
Septic Tank Americans x
Septic/Sherman Americans x
Serial Killer Whites x
Serpent Whites x
Sexican Hispanics x
SFA Americans x
Shackle Dragger Australians x
Shade Blacks x
Shadow Blacks x
Shadow-Smurf Blacks x
Shaft Blacks x
Shaka Zulu Blacks x
Shamrock Nigger Irish x
Shant Irish x
Sheeny Jews x
Sheep Dip Whites x
Sheep-Shagger Welsh/scottish x
Sheepie New zealanders x
Sheethead Whites x
Sheister Jews x
Shiksa Whites x
Shillelagh-Hugger Irish x
Shine/Shiner Blacks x
Ship-wrecked Mexican Puerto ricans x
Shipping Cargo Blacks x
Shiptar Albanians x
Shit Hand Arabs x
Shit Palm Whites x
Shit-Eater Germans x
Shit-Kicker Whites x
Shit-Slinger Blacks x
Shitheel Blacks x
Shitskin Blacks x
Shnozzle Jews x
Shoe Dutch x
Shoe Shiner Blacks x
Shonnicker Jews x
Shoobie Canadians x
Shovel Bosnians x
Shovel-Head Koreans x
Shuffalong Blacks x
Shvartz Blacks x
Shvatsa Blacks x
Shvooga Blacks x
Shylock Jews x
Sid Irish x
Silver-tip Swedes x
Silverback Blacks x
Silvery Blacks x
Simian Blacks x
Simpson Asians x
Sir Mix A Lot Blacks x
Siwash Native americans x
Six Blacks x
Six Point(er) Jews x
Six-nose Jews x
Six-Weeker French x
Sixer Blacks x
Skel/Skell Whites x
Ski Somalians x
Skier Polish x
Skillet Blacks x
Skimo Eskimos x
Skinflint Blacks x
Skinhead Whites x
Skinny Somalians x
Skip Australians x
Skippy Poofter Australians x
Skunk Mixed races x
Slackjaw Whites x
Slant Asians x
Slantey-eye'd Asians x
Slave Blacks x
Slave Ships Blacks x
Sleeper Cell Arabs x
Sleepwalker Asians x
Sleestack Blacks x
Slide Blacks x
Slim Somalians x
Slim Shady Whites x
Slingshot Palestinians x
Slit Asians x
Sloat Vietnamese x
Slope Asians x
Slope Head Asians x
Slot Machine Asian x
Slurpee Arabs x
Slurpee Jockey Indians x
Slurpee Nigger Arabs x
Slushee-Slinger Arabs x
Smack Asians x
Smigger Blacks x
Smoke Blacks x
Smoke Jumper Whites x
Smoke-Signal Native americans x
Smoked Irish Blacks x
Smokefoot Blacks x
Smokestack Blacks x
Smokey Blacks x
Smore Samoans x
Snail-Snapper French x
Snake Whites x
Snake Charmer Arabs x
Sneakers Blacks x
Snicker Licker Whites x
Snigger Arabs x
Snigger Blacks x
Snipcock Jews x
Snipes Blacks x
Snob Blacks x
Snow Whites x
Snow Bird Canadians x
Snow Bird Jews x
Snow Chink Eskimos x
Snow Monkey Canadians x
Snow Nigger Eskimos x
Snowback Canadians x
Snowblower Eskimos x
Snowflake Blacks x
Snowflake Jews x
Snowflake Whites x
Snowfrogs French canadians x
Snowman Whites x
Soak Mexicans x
Soap Dodger French x
Socket Face Asians x
Sodbuster Americans x
Soggy Cracker Mixed races x
Sole Samoan x
Somppu Somalians x
Son Blacks x
Sooty Blacks x
Sortarican Puerto ricans x
Soul Food Blacks x
Soup Mixed races x
Southern Windchime Blacks x
Soutpiel English x
Soy Sauce Asians x
Soyback Asians x
Spabook Blacks x
Spade Blacks x
Spaghetti Vender Italians x
Spaghetti-Slurper Italians x
Spaghetti-Twister Italians x
Spaghetto Italians x
Spanglish Hispanics x
Spear-Chucker Blacks x
Spec Hispanics x
Special Meal Jews x
Speed Demon Hispanics x
Spegro Mixed races x
Spew Mixed races x
Spic Hispanics x
Spic and Span Hispanics x
Spicaninny Mexicans x
Spice Rubber Indians x
Spicet Fence Mexicans x
Spickaboo Mixed races x
SpicNic Hispanics x
Spicracker Mixed races x
Spicy Cracker Mixed races x
Spider Italians x
Spigger Mixed races x
Spike Mixed races x
Spink Mixed races x
Spivic Hispanics x
Spizzician Mixed races x
Splib Blacks x
Spliv Blacks x
Spoda Blacks x
Sponge Head Blacks x
Spook Blacks x
Spoon Blacks x
Spoonbill Blacks x
Spoonhead Cardassians x
Spota Blacks x
Spread Mexicans x
Sprout Belgians x
Spruce Monkey Native americans x
Spud Irish x
Spudnigger Irish x
Sputnik Russians x
Squanto Native americans x
Squarehead Scandanavians x
Squarehead Albanians x
Squaw Native americans x
Squaw Hopper Native americans x
Squint Asians x
Stable Boy Croats x
Stacks Blacks x
Stallion Italians x
Stan Arabs x
Stein Jews x
Stepn Fetchit Blacks x
Still Falkland islanders x
Stinkian Armenians x
Stormwatcher Whites x
Stovelid Blacks x
Stovepipe Blacks x
Strange Fruit Blacks x
Strap Hangers Blacks x
Street Cheetah Blacks x
Stump/Tree Jumper Whites x
Sub-Human Blacks x
Sudaca South americans x
Suddha Whites x
Sun Goblin Arabs x
Sunarefa Arabs x
Sunny Side Up Asians x
Suntan Blacks x
Superfly Pacific islanders x
Surrender Monkeys French x
Suspect Blacks x
Svenne Swedes x
Swami Indians x
Swamp Donkey Blacks x
Swamp Kike Cajuns x
Swamp Yankee Americans x
Swamp-Runner Blacks x
Swamper Blacks x
Swan Whites x
Swap Mixed races x
Sway Blacks x
Sweaty Blacks x
Sweaty Sock Scottish x
Swedish Meatball Swedes x
Sweetback Blacks x
Swine Whites x
Swinger Blacks x
Swirlie Mixed races x
Tab Asians x
Tabeetsu Whites x
Table Face Asians x
Taco Hispanics x
Taco Bender Hispanics x
Taco Jockey Mexicans x
Taco Nigger Hispanics x
Taco Shell Whites x
Tad Pole French x
Taffy Welsh x
Tagger Blacks x
Tai-chink Asians x
Taig Irish x
Tailless Monkeys Filipinos x
Tamale Hispanics x
Tans British x
TAP Americans x
TAP Taiwanese x
Tape Head Asians x
Tar Baby Blacks x
Taran Romanians x
Target Iraqis x
Target Indians x
Taro Polynesians x
Tater Tot Irish x
Taxi Asians x
Taxi Driver Indians x
Tea-wop British x
Teabag British x
Ted Stevens Blacks x
Tee-Pee Creeper Native americans x
Termite Whites x
Terr-ab Arabs x
Terrence Blacks x
Terrone Italians x
Terrorist Arabs x
Test-Taker Asians x
Tetris Russians x
Tex-mex Mexicans x
Texican Mexicans x
Thank You Come Again Indians x
The Element Blacks x
The Missing Link Blacks x
Thick Lips Blacks x
Thick Mick Irish x
Thief Blacks x
Thin-Eyed Asians x
Thing-a-manigger Blacks x
Thirty-Six-Thirty (36-30) Blacks x
Thistle Arse Scottish x
Three-Fifth (3/5) Blacks x
Thug Whites x
Thumper Blacks x
Tibbs Blacks x
Tibla Russians x
Tico Costa ricans x
Tifuti Blacks x
Tiger Mixed races x
Tigger Blacks x
Timber Nigger Native americans x
Tinty Asians x
Tiny Asians x
Tiny Tim Whites x
Tipi Tom Native americans x
Tira-flecha Latin americans x
Tire-Hugger Mexicans x
Tizzun Blacks x
TNT Filipinos x
Toad French x
Toad Blacks x
Toboggan Trinidadians x
Toby Blacks x
Toilet Swimmer Blacks x
Tojo Japanese x
Token Blacks x
Tokenbump Blacks x
Tom Robinson Blacks x
Tomahawk-Chucker Native americans x
Tomahonky Native americans x
Tomato Picker Hispanics x
Tommy British x
Tonk Mexicans x
Tonto Native americans x
Tony Italians x
Tony Soprano Italians x
Tootsie Rolls Blacks x
Tornado Bait Whites x
Tory Irish x
Toubob Whites x
Toucan Sam Jews x
Tounge-Clicker Blacks x
Towel-head Arabs x
Towlie Arabs x
TP Pakistanis x
TPT Whites x
Trail Nigger Native americans x
Trailer Trash Whites x
Trash Whites x
Tree Hockey Blacks x
Tree Ornament Blacks x
Tree-Jumper Blacks x
Tree-Looper Whites x
Tree-Swinger Blacks x
Triad Asians x
Triathlete Mexicans x
Trigger Blacks x
Tripod Blacks x
Triscuit Whites x
Trisket Mixed races x
Trog Whites x
Tsinker Thais x
Tuft Greeks x
Tuna Portuguese x
Tundra Nigger Native americans x
Tunnel Digger Vietnamese x
Tunnel Rat Vietnamese x
Tupperware Head Austrians x
Turbinator Indians x
Turco Arabs x
Turf-Cutter Irish x
Turkey Whites x
Turkey Sandwich Turkish x
Turkish Axe Turks x
Turtleneck French x
Tuskan Raider Arabs x
Tusken Somalians x
Tusken Raider Arabs x
Tutsoon/Tootsoon Blacks x
Twink Taiwanese x
Twinkie Asians x
Twister Fodder Americans x
Two Stroke Asians x
TWO-TONE Mixed races x
Tycoon Blacks x
Tyrone Blacks x
Tyvek Blacks x
Ubangi Blacks x
Uda Spanish x
UFO Asians x
Uke Ukrainians x
Ukey Ukrainians x
Umlungu Whites x
Uncle Ben Blacks x
Uncle Ben's Boys Vietnamese x
Uncle Daddy Whites x
Uncle Scam Americans x
Uncle Tom Blacks x
Underbite Koreans x
Unemployus Africanus Blacks x
Uni-brow Greeks x
Upsurt Bulgarians x
Urban Turban Arabs x
Urkel Blacks x
Uzbek Asians x
Vacuum Cleaner Blacks x
Vamp Whites x
Vanilla Whites x
Vanilla Asian Russians x
Vanilla Coke Blacks x
Vanilla Gorilla Blacks x
Vanilla Ice Whites x
Vato Mexicans x
VC Asians x
Vegemite Australian aboriginals x
Velcro-head Blacks x
Verbes Romanians x
Viceroy Japanese x
Victor Charlie Vietnamese x
Viet Cong Vietnamese x
Vike Scandinavians x
Viking Norwegians x
Vinegar Mixed races x
Vink Vietnamese x
Vinny Del Blacks x
Vlade Serbs x
Vlah Serbs x
Vodka Nigger Russians x
Vodkalky Russians x
Volkswagen Germans x
Voodoo Blacks x
Voons Hatians x
W.O.G. Hispanics x
Wab Hispanics x
Wadie Mexicans x
Wadjyla Whites x
Waffle Belgians x
Wagon-Burner Native americans x
Wahoo Native americans x
Wailer Jamaicans x
Waki Pakistanis x
Waki Paki Pakistanis x
Walking Carpet Armenians x
Wallione Italians x
WAM Whites x
Wandering Jew Jews x
Wang Chung Asians x
Wanian Lithuanians x
Wanker British x
Wankster Whites x
WAP Whites x
Wapanese Whites x
War Whoop Native americans x
Washisho Whites x
Wasian Whites x
Wasp Whites x
Water Buffalo Blacks x
Watermelon Blacks x
Watermelon Guatemalans x
Waverunner Asians x
Wayans Blacks x
Weaner Whites x
Webe Blacks x
Weegie Norwegians x
Weegie Scottish x
Wegro Whites x
Wej Jews x
Welfare Monkey Blacks x
Welfare Mother Blacks x
Welsher Welsh x
Wet Dog Whites x
Wetback Mexicans x
WetBlack Mixed races x
Wetvac Mexicans x
Wexican Mixed races x
Whack Whites x
Whacky Iraqi Iraqis x
Whale Turd Blacks x
Wheat Thin Whites x
Whipping Post Blacks x
Whiskey Tango Whites x
White Chocolate Whites x
White Devil Whites x
White Eye Whites x
White Nigger Irish x
White Out Whites x
White Wall Blacks x
White-wash Mixed races x
Whitebread Whites x
Whiteflagger French x
Whitetrash Whites x
Whitey Whites x
Whopper Italians x
Whose My Daddy? Blacks x
Wic Whites x
Widescreen Asians x
Wigger Whites x
Wiggerette Whites x
Wiggie/Wigg Non-whites x
Wigglet Whites x
Wikki Wikki Blacks x
Windchimes Blacks x
Windian Whites x
Windmill Winder Dutch x
Wink Whites x
Winkle Whites x
Winky Asians x
Wog Asians x
Wog Greeks x
Wog Indians x
Wog Blacks x
Woggle Asians x
Won Ton Whites x
Won Ton Parmesan Mixed races x
Wonder Bread Whites x
Wonder Bread Wop Italians x
Wood Whites x
Woodies Dutch x
Wookie Blacks x
Wool Head Blacks x
Woolie Jumpers New zealanders x
Woolyback Welsh x
WOP Italians x
WOPaho Native americans x
Wopalock Mixed races x
Wopski Mixed races x
Wound Whites x
WT Whites x
WTT Whites x
Xarnego Spanish x
Yahoodi Jews x
Yak Bosnians x
Yakoo Whites x
Yaku Whites x
Yam Blacks x
Yam Amish x
Yan Kwi Ze/Yang Gui Zi Whites x
Yang Guizi Whites x
Yangmo Asians x
Yank Americans x
Yankee Americans x
Yankee Doodle Americans x
Yanni Greeks x
Yao Asians x
Yape Mixed races x
Yard Ape Blacks x
Yazzie Native americans x
YBM Blacks x
Yeehaw Whites x
Yellow Asians x
Yellow Cab Japanese x
Yellow Devil Asians x
Yellow Monkey Asians x
Yelvis Asians x
Yen Blacks x
Yenta Jews x
Yerd Spanish x
Yeti Nepalese x
Yick Jewish/hispanic x
Yid Jews x
Yid/Yid-Lid Jews x
Yiddiot Jews x
Yigger Asians x
Yitze Jews x
Yo Boy/Girl Whites x
Yo Yo Blacks x
Yobo Koreans x
Yogurt Whites x
Yoko Japanese x
Yolk Asians x
Yom Blacks x
Yom Jews x
Yombo Blacks x
Yont'an Saram Blacks x
You People Blacks x
Youn Vietnamese x
YT Whites x
Yugo Yugoslavs x
Yukes Yugoslavs x
Yup-Boon-Jie Japanese x
Yuppie Whites x
Yurug Turks x
Zambo Mixed races x
Ze Goggles Blacks x
Zeb Arabs x
Zebra Mixed races x
Zeeb Whites x
Zerote Pisado Salvadoreans x
Zhid Jews x
Zhidan Jews x
Zigaboo Blacks x
Zionist Jews x
Zip Italians x
Zip Asians x
Zip Coon Blacks x
Zipperhead Asians x
Zog Jews x
Zoo Ape Blacks x
Zoot Blacks x
Zorba Greeks x
Zulu Blacks x
Olauge Turks x
Clouf-Booter French x
Squint Nigger Asians, x
Autobahn German x
Jingley Iraqis x
Jell-O Eater Mormons x
Albino Peltonen Finnish x
Willy B. Blacks x
TNB Blacks x
Weeaboo Whites x
свиња Macedonians x
Mayo Packet Whites x
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Slurs by race
Jews Canadians Arabs Whites Blacks Americans Chinese Indians Australian aboriginals Germans Vietnamese Japanese aboriginals Black americans Albanians Native americans Hispanics Mexicans Antarcticans Armenians Argentinans Persians Asians Puerto ricans Nepalese Cubans Lithuanians Australians Hawaiians Mixed races French canadians Afghans Belgians Falkland islanders French Scottish Bengalis Koreans Icelanders Italians Turkish Macedonians British Romanians Black russians Irish Hungarians Bolivian Japanese Cajuns Australian Bosnians Brazilians Greeks Filipinos Bulgarians Malaysians Mormons Native american Danish Swedes Asian/white Panamanians Turks Non-whites Ecuadorians Guatemalans Czechs Dutch Balkan Czech Chileans Guamanians Creole Polish Eskimos Serbs Montenegrians Africans Mozambicans Peruvians Pacific islanders Colombians Russians Dominicans Croatians Iraqis Gypsy Spanish Iranians Israelis Jamaicans Ukrainians Europeans Mediterraneans Finnish Portuguese Bengals Norwegians Immigrants English Spaniards Latvians Mongolians Salvadorans Columbian Central americans Egyptians Polynesians Muslims Scandinavians Ukranians Maori Indonesians Yugoslavs Jewish Pakistanis Cambodians New zealanders Estonians Austrians Sami Lebanese Moroccan Malayali/indian Mexican Moroccans Icelandics African americans Nicaraguans Black North koreans Slovakians Urkranians Asian Palestinians Paraguayans Gypsies Hindus Canadian aboriginals/native canadians Somalians This site Swiss South africans Welsh/scottish Samoans Samoan Cardassians Scandanavians Croats South americans Welsh Taiwanese Costa ricans Latin americans Trinidadians Thais Hatians Amish Jewish/hispanic Salvadoreans Asians, German

What are racial slurs?

Racial slurs are offensive words or phrases that are used to insult or degrade an individual or group based on their race or ethnicity. They can range from derogatory terms used to describe an entire race or ethnic group to individual insults directed at someone of a certain racial or ethnic background. These slurs are often used in a derogatory or mocking manner and can be seen as a form of verbal or emotional abuse. Racial slurs are considered hate speech and are not tolerated in many societies. Racial slurs have a long history of being used as a tool of oppression and discrimination. They have been used to dehumanize individuals, groups, and entire races of people for centuries. Unfortunately, these words are still used today, often in casual conversation without the speaker thinking of the hurtful implications of their words. When it comes to using racial slurs, education is key. It is important to understand the history and implications of these words and to be aware of their power to hurt and harm. When racial slurs are used, it is important to stand up and speak out against them. It is never okay to use racial slurs and we should all strive to create a world where such words are not tolerated.